Mar 25, 2025 6:32 pm
Join Us

Membership Benefits  |  Membership Request Form

Membership Benefits

As a member you will be able to enjoy a multitude of benefits:

Our website is www.fdarealandlordassociation.org. Here you will be able to access the member's area to find vendors, a place to post your vacancies and rental property for sale, a list of all our members, forms you can download and more.

We have compiled a list of forms that you can download for use in your rental business.

Another of our great benefits is our members. We have members who have experienced any problems or dilemmas you will encounter in your business. They will be glad to give you suggestions, tell you what did or didn't work for them in that situation and point you in the right direction. The value of this benefit can't be over estimated, they can save you time and money and many headaches along the way.

We have speakers and educational programs at many of our meetings.

When you join Fort Dodge Area Landlord Association, you automatically become a member of Landlords of Iowa, Inc.

Through the Landlord Association of Iowa we are active in the legislative arena when laws are introduced that affect our industry.

Membership Request Form

Please provide the following contact information:
    * - indicates a REQUIRED field

First Name* Middle Initial Last Name*
Company Title
User Name   <=== * UserName is created automatically - Please write this down
Password* Verify Password*
Street Address* PO Box (If Applicable)
City* State*
Zipcode* Country
Home Phone FAX
Work Phone*   <=== This field can be filled in with your cell phone number
# of Units   <=== This field indicates the number of rental units you own
Web Site URL
Membership Renewals - Please include your Member # in the 'comments' box below.
Web site login information will be emailed to you once we have reviewed your application.
By clicking the 'Submit' button below you are agreeing to our Terms of Service.